The Natural Choice for Bespoke Healthcare Compliance

The Natural Choice for Bespoke Health and Social Care Compliance

Inspection Top Tips | ensuring compliance with the CQC's new single assessment framework

What To Do When Your CQC Registration Has Been Refused

Published On:

3 March 2021

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To set up your own health or social care provider, such as a care home or domiciliary care agency, you must first register with the Care Quality Commission (CQC).

However, it is important to note that there are times when registrations are refused.

When so much depends on having your new venture – or additional care home – registered with the CQC, having your application denied can seem like a disaster.

There are a number of reasons why CQC applications are refused, and most of them are relatively straightforward to tackle.

Missing or Incorrect Data

Sometimes, a CQC application fails to get passed the initial screening phase, before the crucial quality assessment takes place.

When you send in your paperwork, within five days of receipt, the CQC puts your application through a process of validation. This involves checking that all the essential data has been provided, before it is sent to a CQC inspector. If you miss anything out, or there are discrepancies in the information you provide, then the application is refused.

Just to be clear. This is not the CQC rejecting your registration. They are simply indicating that something is wrong or missing.

What Happens Next?

Usually, the CQC returns your application with relevant forms and guides, which clarify what you need to do to ensure your application is successfully validated the next time.

However, what happens if you are not sure what you need to do to resubmit your CQC application correctly? The team at Care 4 Quality. Ltd can help you to make sure that your paperwork is correct and appropriate to resubmit to the CQC.

We can offer on-going support, to help you to prepare for the next step. This will be an assessment by a CQC inspector. The timing of this visit depends on finding a slot that suits the inspector and your nominated manager that they will be interviewing.

If you have had a registration refused, our involvement makes your compliance with CQC standards more assured.

Can the Application Still Fail?

Once you’ve got your CQC application passed the validation stage, and your assessment takes place, you should receive confirmation of CQC registration promptly.

However, if the inspector is not satisfied with some aspects of your organisation, your registration can still be refused. This could be down to a number of issues, for example, problems with your policies and procedures or your medicines management and staffing levels. If this does happen, you could face a Notice of Proposal to Refuse (NoP).

Receiving a NoP is a more complex issue. If you receive one, it will explain why your registration was unsatisfactory, with a clear outline of the reasons. You then have 28 days to make applications to the CQC about the notice.

The CQC must consider any representations before they come to a decision. If the CQC decide to refuse an application, they will serve a ‘Notice of Decision’ and the applicant is given a further 28 days to appeal against the decision.


For more information about how Care 4 Quality. Ltd can help you with a failed CQC registration, contact us today.


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