The Natural Choice for Bespoke Healthcare Compliance

The Natural Choice for Bespoke Health and Social Care Compliance

Inspection Top Tips | ensuring compliance with the CQC's new single assessment framework

Quality Assurance Policy (PTS) £35

£35.00 Ex VAT


Healthcare services are made up of a variety of care pathways and processes that can collectively form a complex network. To achieve a high-quality service, this network must function seamlessly. This is often difficult to achieve as while some processes and pathways work well, others can be inefficient and ineffective.

A Quality Assurance Framework aims to drive improvement through the involvement of those closest to the service (i.e., its service users and stakeholders). An understanding of quality improvement is essential to those working within healthcare to ensure that areas for improvement are identified, reported and acted upon as a part of a Quality Improvement Framework.

Quality Improvement delivers a sustainable process of continual improvement in quality experience, productivity, outcomes of care and most importantly in the lives of people involved and working in healthcare settings.

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