The Natural Choice for Bespoke Healthcare Compliance

The Natural Choice for Bespoke Health and Social Care Compliance

Inspection Top Tips | ensuring compliance with the CQC's new single assessment framework

What to Do If Your Service Has Been Given an Enforcement Action

Published On:

18 February 2021

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Every care service sets out striving to offer the best service possible. But, sometimes, standards can slip without anyone realising. This can be due to a number of factors. Whatever the cause, it is important those issues are rectified.

An enforcement action can be a daunting prospect, but Care 4 Quality. are on hand to help you navigate the process.

What Is an Enforcement Action?

An enforcement action is an official notice of required action, filed by the CQC (Care Quality Commission). This is generally as a result of a CQC inspection.

In a nutshell, it means deviations have been found from established care standards, and your service is on notice to rectify them before further action or penalties result.

The action the CQC takes will be proportionate to the impact that the breach has on the people who use the service and how serious it is.

It is important to note that you must not be complacent if you have received an enforcement action, as the CQC is using its powers to de-register “failing” organisations who do not adequately respond to their requirements.

What Should You Do About It?

At Care 4 Quality. Ltd, we can help you to better understand the nature of your enforcement notice, and then advise you on the best ways to rectify the highlighted issues.

We can help you through a series of practical steps to ensure your organisation is brought back up to a high standard.

Our support varies based on your needs as a business. We can help you with anything from giving you advice on best practice to deal with a specific issue, through to staging a mock CQC inspection to ensure you will be able to pass. Our service is designed to help you understand where standards have slipped, why it has happened, and exactly what you can do to rectify the issue.

Using the expertise and knowledge of our team, you can find your way back to providing truly outstanding service every day.


If the CQC decide to issue a warning notice, a registered person will have 10 working days to make a written representation to us.

The process for making representations regarding warning notices are different to that of other types of enforcement action. For instance, there is no right of appeal to the First-Tier Tribunal against a warning notice, you can only make representations to the CQC.

To find out more, visit the CQC’s website here.

Have You Been Served an Enforcement Notice?

If you have been served an enforcement notice, or you would like to make sure your organisation is going to pass an upcoming inspection, Care 4 Quality. Ltd can help you. Our dedicated team of professionals have an extensive understanding of CQC procedures and guidelines and can provide you with practical and effective advice.

Contact Care 4 Quality. Ltd today for more information.

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